Do you know that every time we open our mouths, our heart is on parade? Don't you know that what we LIKE and POST on Facebook says a lot about who we are as believers. It testifies of our character, our maturity, our genuinity, and our integrity. I am often surprised by some of the foolishness that goes on with the saints.
Your cyberlife has great potential in exposing the real you. What is your cyberlife message board reflecting? Is it giving off mixed signals or is it reflecting a sanctified, crucified, set-apart life for Him? Are we standing out or blending in? The next time you POST or LIKE something, ask yourself WWJS - What Would Jesus Say? ~Narda Goodson, 2012 Daily Doses of Gospel "PiLLs"
For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh (Matthew 12:34).
Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!
Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!
Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com
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