Saturday, January 5, 2013

Praying for ALL Means Just That!

We are commanded by GOD's WORD to pray for ALL MEN. If you are finding it difficult to pray for your President and his cabinet because he wasn't your pick, then the treasure box of the heart needs to be checked. 

Throughout the election process, I saw many Christians who found it easy to pray for their party, yet, without remorse or godly reverence, easy to scoff, ridicule, slander, and behave in seemingly fleshy conduct against the other. It exposed hypocrisies and prejudices on both parts to the max. And the sadder part, this was done PUBLICLY. Then we say -blessed the Lord, hallelujah- like it's nothing and think it's ok. 

The LORD is calling his people, whether red or blue, to walk in a higher level of integrity; one that shines light and reflects His glory and just desire. When the intent of one supersedes the motive of GOD's heart, it then causes one to move in idolatry. 

When are we finally going to walk as a people that are set apart? One will never enter into the palace with the dirty robes of Egypt. One will only gaze it from afar with the only hope of just always "wishing" to get "there".

This election brought about more than we thought or understood. It wasn't even about who we liked and didn't like as much as it has revealed and exposed the heart of the Church and how spiritually and morally complacent we've become. The physical decline of morality is only a reflection of what's taking place spiritually. 

It has been said that a political issue is not a spiritual issue. WHAT??? Are you kidding me?  We need to go back to the foundation of our Biblical history and teaching to understand what makes a Nation truly great.

I end with this, GOD is still on the throne; He never left but is testing and proving the reigns of our hearts. May they be found faithful and true. For the just shall live by faith. 

May GOD bless America. May God bless our president. May He bless us individually and collectively and may His mercies graciously extend as we move forward with our hearts turned to Him.~2012 Narda Goodson, 11/07/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

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