Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The TRUTH Will Sometimes Tick Us Off

I can't say that I have ever tasted Cod Liver Oil, but I heard it is bitterly nasty. Sometimes, the WORD of GOD will show itself to be a strong bitter taste in our lives because it is on an assassination assignment to mortify the flesh.

The day we begin to accept the WORD of GOD in its purest form, no dilutions, no manipulations, no sugar-coated, ego-stroking teachings, simply RAW and UNCUT is the day we become free from the baggage, entanglement, and garbage we are tolerating in our own lives. 

Some of us are coexisting with "troubles" because we have accepted the lies of the enemy as the norm. We have married it, are engaged to it, and even sleeping with it every night.

The TRUTH of GOD is sent to free us from bondage, mindsets, manipulations, and the doctrines that make the WORD of GOD of none effect. 

TRUTH has the power to break the yokes of despair and sorrow. It has the power to break the ties of lies and deceit of man's wisdom and self-knowledge of what we thought should be; for HIS THOUGHTS are not our thoughts and HIS WAYS are not our ways. 

TRUTH has a way of invading our privacy and reading our hearts because it's JOB is to set us free. It won't ask you if you "like it" or even for your permission. It simply asks for your ACCEPTANCE. 

If we want to be free, then we have got to be willing to ACCEPT the WORD of TRUTH for what it is - LIFE to those that find it and HEALTH to all their flesh. ~Narda Goodson, 2013 Daily Doses of Gospel "PiLLs"

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Sunday, January 6, 2013

This is ONLY a TEST. I (((REPEAT))), This ONLY a Test!

When you are hit in the places that are dearest to you, that is THE TIME to STAND STILL and GUARD what enters into YOUR HEART but it is also a time to GUARD what LEAVES YOUR HEART. 

You have learned the WORD, now it's time for to APPLY IT. Your Breastplate of Righteousness will protect your heart if YOU KEEP IT ON, and your Helmet of Salvation will keep your mind IF it is STAY ON HIM. 

I KNOW WHAT YOU SEE, FEEL, and HEAR but you CANNOT be moved by the natural elements. We walk by faith and NOT BY SIGHT.

Most times, comrades fall into the pits of despair during hardships because they fail to accurately utilize the spiritual weaponries given to us by GOD.

Did you not think the time would come where you would not have to APPLY ALL THAT YOU'VE LEARNED, CONFESSED, QUOTED, BOASTED, and PREACHED? You will be the first partaker of what you preach and teach. You will be tested and tried in the field of life. NOW STAND IN JESUS' NAME.


~2012 Narda Goodson Ministries

Scriptures to Meditate on:
Hebrews 3:6 - But Christ is faithful as a son over God's house. And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast.

Hebrews 10:35-39 - So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.  BUT WE ARE NOT of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Plug Up that Spiritual Leak or It'll Drain You

There is a spiritual leak somewhere if you are still living, drawn, and attached to your old lifestyle.  Don't be deceived, change will only occur when we YIELD our wants and desires to Him but disobedience and pride will always keep us in bondage. 

If God calls it sin then it is sin and you must turn away from it.  Failure to do so is futile. 
~Narda Goodson©2011 Narda's Nuggets 

Scripture to Meditate on:
Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 7:21, 11/13/2011

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dream Killers and Haters

BEWARE of those dream killers and dream haters that will try to snuff out what God has placed within you with their derogatory sarcasm and criticism. 

If they could put you in a pit THEY WOULD. But remember Joseph who went from the pit, to Potipher's house, to prison, to the palace, and then became prime minister in PHAROAH'S HOUSE. 

God will always unfold the purpose and plan when we stay in a position of prayer. Are you listening? ~Narda Goodson, 2012Narda's Nuggets

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com




Excerpt taken from the book Will the Real Me Please Stand Up 
by Narda Goodson, Copyright 2007 

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Quit "HUNTING" for Your Man

Be careful with all these "so called" relationship experts that give ungodly and unbiblical advice.  The WORD of GOD says "WAIT" on the LORD and "DELIGHT" yourself in the LORD; He never said to go hunt for a man.  

That's the problem --the LORD never calls a woman to "hunt"; hunting will cause you to be OUT OF POSITION to be "found". 

Your Boaz is LOOKING FOR YOU!  He has probably passed by ten times already BUT YOU WEREN'T WHERE YOU NEED TO BE because you were too busy HUNTING. 

Read the Book of Ruth again and again and again until you understand what type of man Boaz really was and what type of woman Ruth was and what led her to be in "position" to receive GOD's best. ~2012 Narda Goodson, 10/01/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

The LORD Will Take You Up

The LORD is the ONLY ONE I know that can heal my past and plant MY FEET for a successful future. When the enemy devised and schemed plans to cause hurt and leave me in a total breakdown of despair, THE LORD TOOK ME UP! ~2012 Narda Goodson Ministries, 09/21/2012 Narda's Nuggets

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Closed Doors are Good

There is a time in one's life when you look around only to find that no one is there. Don't be discouraged and become bitter at them; it's not their fault. 

GOD has a way of closing doors to keep you from looking to others so that you can look to Him. ~2012 Narda Goodson, 09/19/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Time to Sweep

Sweep away the cobwebs of doubt and fear. These trespassing nemesis bring fracas of torment, debris, and an infestation to keep you from springing forward. You can extirpate them by habitually seeding your life with the watering of GOD's WORD. ~2012 Narda Goodson, 10/06/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Celebrate Someone Other Than YOU

Learning the art of celebrating others success requires you to let go of jealousies, competition, and insecurities. Be happy for the success of others as you would desire them to be about your own. 

Be Kingdom driven and supportive for your Kingdom sibling because an encouraging word from you helps to fan their flame of vision. ~2012 Narda Goodson, 10/06/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Quality VS Quantity

Quantity is not impressive but Quality IS!  QUALITY of relationships, friendship, character, genuine camaraderie, and purpose. 

One can have a considerable amount of family, friends, money, property, etc., yet, NOTHING surpasses a selfless and excellent character trait that steps forward in times of adversity. 

Empty words are like beautiful vessels with holes and cracks within them - they hold no real substance - but anointed words carry enough weight and power that manifest and bring about change in a person's life. ~2012 Narda Goodson, 10/06/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Everywhere You Go is SIGNIFICANT!

Everywhere I go is a place of significance. Whether it's a learning place for you or me, the atmosphere created is designed to teach something. We just have to be able to discern the value of the moment. ~2012 Narda Goodson, 10/16/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Let Compassion Be Your Greatest Passion

It's GOD's love that kept me and is still keeping me. There go I but for the grace of GOD. 

Quit pushing your nose up at others and moving in the spirit of the old Pharisees and Sadducees because,  NO, YOU DON'T KNOW what you would do if you got hit like "she did", like "he did", or like "they did". 

We'd like to believe or really make ourselves believe that we would "do this" or "do that" or respond "this way" or "that way", but the truth of the matter is you will never know how you will respond to any given situation until it happens to you. Keep living and you will find that the REAL YOU has a way of sneaking out and surprising you when your spiritual guards are down and you have been hurt. So don't let your haughty spirit lead you straight into a fall because it can and it will. (Proverbs 16:18). 

1 Corinthians 9:27 says, "But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." 

Be patient with those who are still going through the process by remembering that you weren't always "there" either - wherever and whatever "there" means or signifies to you. You didn't always have "it together"; you weren't always wrapped that tight. Thank GOD for the Holy Spirit because He makes many of us look just that good. Yet, don't think that because He has polished you, refined you, set you up, established you, and now you've got it "going on" that YOU FORGET and become so disconnected with people. JESUS is a people person. HE LOVES PEOPLE.

COMPASSION should always be our greatest PASSION. Hello? GOD loves the people you don't LIKE and fish live in water and they still stink. Let's catch fish and let GOD do the cleaning please. 

To the person "going through", I pray that if you fall, YOU GET UP, and when it's hurting really bad, you run to JESUS. Keep looking to JESUS; for HE IS the Author and Finisher of your faith. It's not how you start but how you finish. And yes, you can finish with CHRIST bringing you all the way home. That's why I need Him. We all do. ~2012 Narda GoodsonMinistries, 10/28/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

Our Facebook life is like a resume.  While it has the potential of being hyped, exaggerated, or even a complete lie, some truth about who we really are can be seen through it - even if it's a little.  

This may include - but is not limited to - a bit of our personalities, our taste and style, what moves and drives us, our temperament and mood, what makes us tick, how we communicate and listen, how we receive from others opinions -whether we agree or disagree, what we really believe or confess, how "fun" or "not so fun" we can be/are.  While there are plenty more - this was just random - one things for certain, it does expose a bit more about the "real us" than we expect; at least for those of us who live here.  

But for those who are serious about their commitment to Christ, may your Facebook life reflect encouragement and life of a Kingdom royal diadem.  May it spark the joy and peace that comes from GOD.  May it INCLUDE a realistic, honest, and down-to-earth Biblical and wholesome approach on life's issues that is backed up with the Word.

Don't BLEND IN but STAND OUT Christ-style. PRODUCE AND LIVE a life that will make the world stand in AWE, MARVEL, and WONDER of the GOD that you serve. Let your life woo, entice, and draw others to Him. Let it be so GRAND that like the three Hebrew boys, THE KING NOTICED AND HAD TO MAKE MENTION followed by a DECREE that exalted and gave glory to the GREAT I AM. 

Be your own kind of BEAUTIFUL in Christ! ~2012 Narda Goodson, 10/29/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

In GOD We Trust

May righteousness prevail and justice and truth reign in our town, in our streets, in our cities, and in our nation. As we look to You, LORD, may the hearts of our elected officials be turned toward doing what is right and pleasing in your sight. 
We lift up ALL MEN from all divisions and political groups and arenas and ask that you begin to move and impress upon their hearts to lead righteously. Help them to realize that this nation cannot be governed without your blessing, without your sanction, without your input, without your wisdom, and without your protection.

You said that if YOUR PEOPLE humble, pray, and repent and turn from their wicked ways, then you will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land. There is still a remnant of people here, today, now, that are crying out to you, oh LORD. We are decreeing that WE WANT YOU, WE NEED YOU; for selfishness, pride, and greed for power and lust has entered into the hearts of men and it is by this that many rule.

But you, oh LORD, are a shield of protection to those who whose love and hope is in you. You are our buckler and might fortress. Deliver your people from the snares of the fowler. Deliver us from entering into captivity as Israel was led into Babylonia because of its sin of disobedience. Open the eyes of our hearts that we may see and discern the times. And as we begin to pray, bring the change needed to this country that will bring back the glory it once knew TO BE FOUND IN YOU.

In the Name of your precious Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our LORD and soon coming King. ~2012 Narda GoodsonFirst Ladies of the Round Table, 10/30/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

It's Like Fire Shut Up in my Bones!

Now, this photo is adorable and what you do, like Jeremiah, when you have fire shut up in your bones. You can't contain it. Is there a praise in the house????? Psalm 47:1 - O clap your hands, all you people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph.

I know about the "dignified" quietness; there's a time to be still in worship and then there's a time for jubilee and praise. Because when YOU KNOW that GOD has delivered you from the hands of the enemy. When YOU KNOW HE's snatched your soul from the pits of eternal hell. When YOU KNOW HE's granted you HIS peace and salvation. When YOU KNOW HE's set you free FROM YOURSELF, there can be nothing less than a PASSIONATE P.R.A.I.S.E. of love and adoration that rings out to GOD!

For those who believe they are helping GOD by not having instruments or music (to help keep people focused on GOD) THAT'S NOT BIBLICAL teaching.  Quit taking and diluting GOD's WORD and feeding the people RELIGION and teach the uncompromising, unadultarated WORD of LORD so that they can be effective in worship!!! 

The Prophet Jeremiah himself couldn't hold it in. Jeremiah 20:9 says - But if I say I'll never mention the LORD or speak in his name, his word burns in my heart like a fire. It's like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can't do it!

Psalm 150:4 - Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and pipes.
Uh-oh, am I fixing to lose some "friends" ... Let GOD be TRUE and every man a liar..
LIKE Narda Goodson Ministries, 11/01/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

No Need for Competition

Whether or not others can discern where you are going in ministry or in life is not relevant. Whether they LIKE YOU or NOT is equally unimportant. 

The MOST IMPORTANT thing to remember is that your journey is YOUR JOURNEY and what you make of it depends on YOU. 

What GOD places in YOUR HANDS will require interest, so make it beautiful while scattering the love of GOD everywhere you go, then, WATCH IT GROW! 
~2012 Narda Goodson, 11/03/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Slam the DOOR!

It's SLAMMING DOOR time again. Respectfully, yet, honest chat, if you go through life wondering about the opinions of others, you will never fully complete your goals effectively. Those things are designed to distract, deter, and discourage you from fulfilling your mission. 

Let what GOD thinks of you be MORE IMPORTANT than anything anybody could ever say or do to you. ~2012 Narda Goodson Ministries, 11/03/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Praying for ALL Means Just That!

We are commanded by GOD's WORD to pray for ALL MEN. If you are finding it difficult to pray for your President and his cabinet because he wasn't your pick, then the treasure box of the heart needs to be checked. 

Throughout the election process, I saw many Christians who found it easy to pray for their party, yet, without remorse or godly reverence, easy to scoff, ridicule, slander, and behave in seemingly fleshy conduct against the other. It exposed hypocrisies and prejudices on both parts to the max. And the sadder part, this was done PUBLICLY. Then we say -blessed the Lord, hallelujah- like it's nothing and think it's ok. 

The LORD is calling his people, whether red or blue, to walk in a higher level of integrity; one that shines light and reflects His glory and just desire. When the intent of one supersedes the motive of GOD's heart, it then causes one to move in idolatry. 

When are we finally going to walk as a people that are set apart? One will never enter into the palace with the dirty robes of Egypt. One will only gaze it from afar with the only hope of just always "wishing" to get "there".

This election brought about more than we thought or understood. It wasn't even about who we liked and didn't like as much as it has revealed and exposed the heart of the Church and how spiritually and morally complacent we've become. The physical decline of morality is only a reflection of what's taking place spiritually. 

It has been said that a political issue is not a spiritual issue. WHAT??? Are you kidding me?  We need to go back to the foundation of our Biblical history and teaching to understand what makes a Nation truly great.

I end with this, GOD is still on the throne; He never left but is testing and proving the reigns of our hearts. May they be found faithful and true. For the just shall live by faith. 

May GOD bless America. May God bless our president. May He bless us individually and collectively and may His mercies graciously extend as we move forward with our hearts turned to Him.~2012 Narda Goodson, 11/07/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

Watch It!

Watch it now! Be angry but don't sin while festering in your boiling rage, lest you, while you have preached to others find yourself being REBUKED and CHASTISED while having your "hiney" spanked by GOD's hand. 

For anger NEVER PRODUCES the righteousness of GOD as it was the very reason Moses made a mess of things and was kept from entering into the promised land. Quit acting like Kingdom brats because the LORD did not play the game the way YOU PRAYED or YOU WANTED it to go and because HE didn't moved the "game piece" where YOU THOUGHT it should have been placed! 

GOD isn't a blundering mess who doesn't know what HE's doing. Even Saul was used to anoint David. So, in the Name of Jesus hold your tongue before you cause others to stray and turn away from GOD than TOWARD GOD. ~2012 Narda Goodson, 11/07/2012

Tilt your heart towards the SON!
Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
2012 Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!

Facebook/Twitter: @nardagoodson
Official Website: http://nardagoodson.org
Women's Network: http://predestinedbygod.com

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