Monday, November 23, 2009

When Faced with Opposition, Take Your Position!

Discouragement and desperation are tools that the enemy uses to keep us from reaching our goal in Christ. From the beginning of time many have given up their dreams and hopes due to the incessant assaults from the enemy. This is why we are admonished in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to cast down every imagination and thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.

There are times we will feel like we want to concede defeat. The pressures of life dig at you without mercy. The relentless stress, anxiety, and demands of your problems increase as you find your ability to cope decreasing. You begin to lose your grip in life and eventually, you breakdown in despair.

The word discourage in its verb form means oppose, hinder, inhibit, prevent, stop, and suppress. It also means dishearten, cast down, and depress. When you have been beat down by ‘discourage’, you fall into a state of discouragement.

Discouragement is a saddened and cast down feeling we experience when we disallow the Word of God to have absolute dominion over our thought life. It is a deterrent, whose ultimate goal is to lead you away from God. Once discouragement has settled and permeated your heart, its doppelganger, desperation kicks in.

Desperation is the state of extreme anxiety. At this stage, you encounter the brutal assaults of distraction, misery, harassment, and nervousness from “the thing” that initially came against you. The continual onslaughts of “the thing” that opposes and suppresses you have brought you to this gloomy place called desperation.

When we are desperate, we become forgetful and apprehensive. We do not function at our best because we focus more on “the thing” rather than staying committed and steadfast to what the Word of God has said about the situation. While it is the enemy’s assignment to pursue and hassle you to the point of taking you off course, your job is to keep your guard at all times. 2 Timothy 2:3 says that we are to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

There are many who are being “opposed” by the enemy. This word is a reminder that you are to take your position in your opposition, for the battle belongs to the Lord. The Bible declares that He that has begun the good work in you will complete it (Phil. 1:6).

God’s grace is more than enough to get you through the storms of life. By refueling your spiritual gas tank with the Word of God, your enemy will not be able to wear you down. Determine that you will finish what God has started. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Destroy the spirit of a quitter!

Tilt your heart towards the SON!

Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate! 

Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Women's Network: Predestined by God
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We Must Be Willing To Alter and Adjust So That The Process of Making Or Becoming Different Can Take Place

Serving God is more than our weekly church attendance and having titles or positions. You’d be surprised at the many pews that are filled with people who faithfully attend church services, only to walk out the same way they walked in.

It really shouldn’t come as a surprise though. In Jesus’ days, the temples were filled with such people; they were called the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The Pharisees and the Sadducees were two of the most prominent religious groups in Judaism. Their religion was outward in form with no inward godliness of heart (Matt. 23:25). They were all about ‘traditions’ and keeping the letter of the law by their own interpretations.

They occupied their ‘office’ all in the name of the Lord, but their lives were morally lax and worldly. While appearing to hold to the laws of God, they really denied many of the teachings when they opposed Jesus’ wisdom and miracles. They’re obsession with ‘keeping the letter of the law’ blinded them from the truth that they were actually doing quite the opposite as they refused to recognize the depravity of their own nature.

If we look around today, we will see the spirit of the 21st Century Pharisees and Sadducees moving in our midst; this mindset or spirit still flows today. It is ‘working’ rather than ‘worshipping’. This spirit sits on the church boards, serves communion, handles the Lord’s money, etc.

Jesus’ message is ‘change’ and ‘repent’. The word change, in this case, is a noun, and it is the process in making or becoming different. To change in its verb form means alter or adjust. The word repent means to be sorry, apologize, or ask forgiveness. We must be willing to alter and adjust so that the process of making or becoming different can take place.

2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.”

God’s Word should challenge us to change daily. The words Jesus spoke often pricked or offended the Pharisees and Sadducees because of their wicked ways. Does God’s Word offend or prick our hearts, or does it cause us to humble ourselves and repent?

Tilt your heart toward the Son!

Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate! 

Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Women's Network: Predestined by God
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To Know Him Is To Love Him - To Love Him Is To Trust Him

As believers, we are continually growing and learning; one can ALWAYS use a word of encouragement. I know I can.  There are times when we can feel unequipped, inexperienced, and no matter how much we've prepared, experience those dreadful feelings of "OMGosh, Lord, can I really do this?"  I know I have.

Despite these outburst of doubt, insecurities, and fear that try to invade and stampede its way through the beautiful helmet of my mind, I find a well of living water deep down inside, in the city of my soul that echoes the tender, yet, persuasive and confident voice of my Father's heart - I can do all things through Him.

When you know Him, you LOVE Him, when you love Him, you TRUST Him.  When you trust Him, that conviction becomes the driving force that propels you to sail upon waters never crossed and tread through the darkest and deepest valleys of life.

As you continue to journey across uncharted territory, remember, His Word will be your roadmap and His Spirit will comfort you.  His strength, love, and power will wrap around you like a warm blanket in the cold night seasons and serve to refresh you again during the sultry hot days.

Never lose sight of your mandate, vision, mission, and goals; for little is much when God is in it, and with God on your side, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Tilt you heart towards the Son!

Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate! 

Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Women's Network: Predestined by God
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Seasonal Decisions Brings About Lifetime Changes

There are times when God will allow or appoint the things in our world to be shaken to remind us that He is the only unshakeable and unmovable foundation. Psalm 62:1-2 tells us that God is our Rock and our Fortress and we shall not be greatly moved.

James 1:5 says that God’s wisdom is ours for the asking. Your seasonal decision will bring about lifetime changes. So, choices made during a time of crisis should be considered prayerfully because misguided searches can cause you to end up somewhere in a ditch and off track. It is vital that during this time, one remain steadfast and focus through a deliberate practice of abiding in Him.

Don’t allow the enemy to take you off track by the surrounding chaos but allow the firm footing of Jehovah-Shammah, God’s Peace, to keep you prevailing forward. You will soon find that the greaves that shield your feet will protect you and keep you from falling apart.

When uncertainty sets in, beloved, and the stakes are high, bow down low. Submitting to the pain of God’s refining fire will thrust you into His truth like a bullet shot out of a pistol and straight into your destiny. You will soon find that the opposing wind will cause you to soar higher than all your circumstances.

Tilt your heart towards the Son!

Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate! 

Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Women's Network: Predestined by God
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Monday, November 9, 2009

What Am I Willing to Give Up for Him?

A watchman is someone who patrols or guards something in particular. God has called each of us as watchmen to guard or patrol many things in our lives. How well are we governing what the Lord has placed in our personal care?

Some of our sufferings are self-inflicted. There are distresses and miseries that I have undergone all due to the results of my undisciplined actions. There is no one to blame for it but me.

Like Adam, today, we try to shift the blame on someone or something else rather than facing the reality of our poorly made choices. We need to come out of denial and accept that we’ve been disorganized, undisciplined, and disobedient.

We’re inadequately managing our funds. We max out the credit cards and buy, buy, buy satisfying the untamed lust of our temporary WANTS, while completely disregarding or turning a blind eye to the need of our basic necessities and priorities. I have found that people will pay for what they want yet beg for what they need.

Sometimes it’s easier to shift the blame rather than being truthfully honest about the lack of restraint we exercise. We live outside of our means and then blame God, the job, the economy, or (and this is a good one), even the past for the hardship and trouble that our fruitless actions spawn. We’ve somehow gotten use to dancing to the blaming rhythm, and while this is not always the case in every situation, for many it is.

My personal weight gain is a result of lack of exercise, poor eating habits, late night eating, and just plain ole laziness. If I really want to lose weight and become better fit, then I will have to make a decision to stop eating late at night, discipline myself to eating healthier foods, and then subject myself to grueling exercises.

I personally know that when I want something bad enough, God has given me the ability and the power to make a conscious, dogmatic decision to change. I’ve done it before. The question then remains, how bad do I want this change and what am I willing to give up for it?

Case and point:
I was only 15 years old, just newly saved, and into my third month of accepting Christ into my heart. My preferred choice of cigarettes was Newport with a touch of menthol. I remember that I could not wait until church was over to go around the corner and satisfy the nicotine fit I was undergoing.

While some condemned me in their thoughts when they saw me (you could tell by the distorted, religious looks on their faces), the Lord, in His gracious and loving mercy knew that my flesh had some bad habits and a lot of catching up to do with my new spiritual walk in Christ. I was a work in progress and although God wasn’t going to send me to hell for smoking, it sure made me smell like I had been there every time I did. Remember, I was saved first, then, my deliverance from these awful bad habits came after, usually one at a time.

I knew that smoking was not good for my health, it would deteriorate my organs, probably cause cancer, and the possibility existed that I would meet my Maker a lot sooner if I did not give it up. But the pleasure, lust, and pull of this physical addiction kept me lighting up with the hopes that one day I would give it up and call it quits.

Let’s take look at over-indulgence. How many of us have had to deal with this ugly ogre? How about character development? How many of us are still working on integrity? How many of us still have bad attitudes that unmistakably and noticeably show up while waiting in the traffic lane, department store, or waiting room?

It is God’s desire to help us sever the bad habits that hinder and stump our growth, as well as, put an end to the things that causes infertility, poverty, and spiritual barrenness. As my relationship with the Lord began to flourish, I discovered my inner desire to stop smoking increased greatly. The more Christ and His Word increase was the more my bad habits decreased.

Feeding and filling your heart with the Word of God over long periods will empower you to prevail over your fleshy desires. But if we are not refueling our spiritual gas tank with spiritual nourishment, then we are more than likely to walk, talk, and behave carnal, never arriving to spiritual maturity. Some of us never receive our deliverance because we refuse to give up what “pleases” the flesh rather than surrendering them and laying them at the foot of the Cross.

If you find your bad habits continually prevailing over your desire to stop, quit, or change that which is causing unproductive fruit in your life, then there is just cause to believe there is a spiritual leak somewhere in your tank. Most of the time, we know where the leak is and what’s causing it.

The question still remains, how bad do I want this change and what am I willing to give up for it?

Tilt your heart towards the Son!

Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate! 

Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Women's Network: Predestined by God
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Suck It Up!

I am amazed that after a good downpour, gardens have a natural ability to suck it up. . .that is the excess water that has fallen. After the downpour, a garden usually looks muddy and messy; a typical result from the effects of a storm.

Although the excess invasion of water appears to be harmful at first, it is actually helping the garden flourish. You see, the excess water seeps into inconspicuous crevices that often materialize when the soil has become hard and dry. Once it enters, it dampens and moisturizes the deep, dry, and unseen dingy places.

We will sometimes experience the downpours of life. At times, it may feel like the water will overflow us, but if we allow the excess watering of God's Word to flood our lives, then we too, like the garden will experience a refreshing that will revive, rejuvenate, and revitalize the deep places of our thirsty souls.

Does your life have the ability to "suck it up"? Allow the rain in your life to eliminate, eradicate, and exterminate the dry and hard elements that cause infertility and unfruitfulness. When you "suck it up", you will begin to encounter a refreshing, restoring, and renewing that will transform your muddled garden into an amazing terrain.

Tilt your heart towards the SON!

Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate! 

Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Women's Network: Predestined by God
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

To FORGIVE is to Set a Prisoner FREE and Discover the Prisoner Was YOU

There is something about the power of forgiveness. Forgiveness is the act of pardoning somebody for a mistake or wrongdoing. It is showing mercy, leniency, and clemency.

Jesus found it important to address the topic of forgiveness. He said, “For if you forgive people their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses" (Matthew 6:14,15 AMP).

Why is forgiveness so hard to express? This is very difficult for many people because it hurts when you have been wronged or betrayed by others especially those you have loved. But if we are to mirror our Father’s heart then forgiveness and mercy is to be a part of our character. Although there is no way around it, I cannot say that I have always found it easy to forgive.

There were times in my life when I thought I forgave someone for his wrongdoings only to find the Holy Spirit reveal that I hadn’t. I had buried deep within my heart RESENTMENT.

Resentment is an ill, angered, and bitter feeling caused by a sense of having been badly treated. If you have any of these symptoms, then you are in the stage of resentment. Let’s call it what it truly is.

What helped me during my process what the fact that the Father has forgiven me for all my mistakes and wrongdoings. When I think of the mercy He extends to me, it humbles me rather quickly to think who am I that I shouldn’t forgive others either.

God still loves you even though you are experiencing resentment and wants to help you with the process of letting go and giving it up. Sometimes the letting go is not instantaneous but if you reach out to Him during the times you feel angered and ill, He will help you. He will place a love and compassion to replace the cold and bitter feelings for that individual.

But you must not live in denial. When those feelings surface, be truthful to yourself and with God. Let Him know how you are really feeling and then ask Him to remove it.

Tilt your heart towards the SON!

Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate! 

Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Women's Network: Predestined by God
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Monday, November 2, 2009

Rainy Seasons Should Give Birth to Fruitfulness

April showers bring May flowers . . . This may be an old saying, but when we really think about it, there is so much truth behind it.  The book of Ecclessiates tells us that to everything there is a season.

The showers in our lives serves two purposes - to uproot and wash away the debris that has infested and invaded our lives but then to prepare and make pliable our stony hearts so that new growth can take place.

But to wish away our rainy seasons would be like never bathing.  So allow the rain in your life to wash the hurts and ills of your past, and then permit the power of God to sow in you the Seeds of Life.  When the rain is over, you will begin to see your garden blossoming with buds of dreams, hope, and faith.

Tilt your heart towards the SON!

Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate! 

Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Women's Network: Predestined by God
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Is the Best Foot Your Putting Forward Your Own? Is It the Real You?

Sometimes believers attempt to make impressions that are way bigger than what truly is. Sometimes the reasons behind are a lot deeper rooted than we know. Many live behind the mask of pretense, prestige, and power because of fear, low self-esteem, and other personal issues.

Whatever the reason, it is the Lord’s desire to walk through the corridors of our wounded hearts so that He may put the spotlight of the Holy Spirit on them and overthrow the idols we’ve kept hidden for so long.

Since integrity doesn’t develop apart from a consistent resolve, there is a need for daily, ongoing transformation to be more like Him. I honestly haven’t always hit the mark of “integrity” but know that easy decisions never demand resolve. And just as victory is never accidental, neither is godliness. It is an everyday resolve to press forward one foot at a time – with determination.

Prayer: “Oh Lord, challenge me, convict me, change me so that every step I make will bring glory and honor to your Name.”

Narda Goodson
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate! 

Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What is Your Garden of Life Producing?

A productive, healthy, and beautiful garden is the result of proper care on a continual basis.  It is not merely enough to maintain a garden when you feel like it, for behind its outer beauty, much activity is occuring.  While new flowers are springing forth and roots are re-establishing, with each growth spur, there are constant intruders trying to infiltrate its space.  These invaders are part of the community and although they co-habit, they are very harmful to the augmentation and progression of its inhabitants.  Weeds, unhealthy vines, unwanted twigs, and wild flowers can be annoying neighbors, and if not detected and uprooted early, will choke the life out of your garden. Our life is a garden and what we allow to co-habit with us determines our expansion. Our heart is like the soil; this is the place where the Seeds of Life are sown. Therefore, it must cultivated and watered continually in order for increase to take place. Healthy growth will never spring forth on hard, rocky soil because the sown seeds will never germinate and take root. What is your garden producing? Do people see growth and increase or do they simply see their old familiar, annoying neighbors?

Tilt your heart towards the SON!

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