Despite these outburst of doubt, insecurities, and fear that try to invade and stampede its way through the beautiful helmet of my mind, I find a well of living water deep down inside, in the city of my soul that echoes the tender, yet, persuasive and confident voice of my Father's heart - I can do all things through Him.
When you know Him, you LOVE Him, when you love Him, you TRUST Him. When you trust Him, that conviction becomes the driving force that propels you to sail upon waters never crossed and tread through the darkest and deepest valleys of life.
As you continue to journey across uncharted territory, remember, His Word will be your roadmap and His Spirit will comfort you. His strength, love, and power will wrap around you like a warm blanket in the cold night seasons and serve to refresh you again during the sultry hot days.
Never lose sight of your mandate, vision, mission, and goals; for little is much when God is in it, and with God on your side, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!
Tilt you heart towards the Son!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate!
Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Women's Network: Predestined by God
Teen Network: DIVA Drops©-Damsels in Virtuous Attire™
Government:: First Ladies of the Round Table
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson
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