James 1:5 says that God’s wisdom is ours for the asking. Your seasonal decision will bring about lifetime changes. So, choices made during a time of crisis should be considered prayerfully because misguided searches can cause you to end up somewhere in a ditch and off track. It is vital that during this time, one remain steadfast and focus through a deliberate practice of abiding in Him.
Don’t allow the enemy to take you off track by the surrounding chaos but allow the firm footing of Jehovah-Shammah, God’s Peace, to keep you prevailing forward. You will soon find that the greaves that shield your feet will protect you and keep you from falling apart.
When uncertainty sets in, beloved, and the stakes are high, bow down low. Submitting to the pain of God’s refining fire will thrust you into His truth like a bullet shot out of a pistol and straight into your destiny. You will soon find that the opposing wind will cause you to soar higher than all your circumstances.
Tilt your heart towards the Son!
Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate!
Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Women's Network: Predestined by God
Teen Network: DIVA Drops©-Damsels in Virtuous Attire™
Government:: First Ladies of the Round Table
Facebook: @nardagoodson
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