A productive, healthy, and beautiful garden is the result of proper care on a continual basis. It is not merely enough to maintain a garden when you feel like it, for behind its outer beauty, much activity is occuring. While new flowers are springing forth and roots are re-establishing, with each growth spur, there are constant intruders trying to infiltrate its space. These invaders are part of the community and although they co-habit, they are very harmful to the augmentation and progression of its inhabitants. Weeds, unhealthy vines, unwanted twigs, and wild flowers can be annoying neighbors, and if not detected and uprooted early, will choke the life out of your garden. Our life is a garden and what we allow to co-habit with us determines our expansion. Our heart is like the soil; this is the place where the Seeds of Life are sown. Therefore, it must cultivated and watered continually in order for increase to take place. Healthy growth will never spring forth on hard, rocky soil because the sown seeds will never germinate and take root. What is your garden producing? Do people see growth and increase or do they simply see their old familiar, annoying neighbors?
May we become excellent cultivators in God's Kingdom reaping a harvest of souls.