Thursday, March 14, 2019

Killing the Enemy IN-AH-ME

We need to kill the enemy within. Mute those #deathly, #discouraging, #doubting, #despairing sounds. #Discouragement and #depression cannot #dwell, abide, and live in where there is an active atmosphere of the Holy Spirit. With the Presence of the Word of GOD inundating the air, it is impossible!

The head gear given to us in Ephesians 6, which is the Helmet of Salvation, is your #defense when the enemy IN-AH-ME and IN-AH-YOU (said in my JamaRican accent 😂) #desires to #detrack and #derail you off your faith course. Put on the mind of Christ. That is how you #defeat your foe! ~2019 Narda Goodson 

#deliverance #WhatDidGodSay #ThoughLife #MindBondage #SpiritualWarfare #HelmetOfSalvation #TheWordOfGodSetsFree #FreeFromAnyAddiction
#YouDontNeedDrugs #YouNeedAGospelPiLL

Scriptures to Meditate on:
2 Corinthians 10:4-5 - 4The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We tear down arguments, and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Narda Goodson Ministries: Narda seeks to direct you to finding your purpose and destiny through faith, hope, and God's Word. Her teachings are said to be powerfully anointed, real, insightful, encouraging, and life giving.

Tilt your heart towards the SON!

Narda Goodson
©2019 Daily Doses of Gospel "PiLLs"

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