Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Stay Plugged into the Source

So, I waited and waited. "What in the world is taking so long for the coffee to finish brewing?", I kept thinking to myself. If you don't know by now, I get excited about caWfee ☕️. LOL 😆

This morning, I couldn't smell the familiar scrumptious aroma that fills the kitchen air fast enough.Still, I waited. And waited. And waited. And then I waited some more. 

I continued my morning routine as usual until, "Egad 😱!", I realized that the thrilling dripping could not be heard 👂and neither was that little last sizzling sound and pops it makes at the end to let you know, that yeah, it's ready! OMGosh! Was the coffee maker broken?

I went to investigate 🔍.  Whatta-ya-know!  Sure enough, after all the preparation of setting the filter in its place (like that's a lot of work 🙄), and putting in the cAWfee, and pouring in the water that - IT WASN'T PLUGGED IN 🤦🏻‍♀️! Grrr . . .

How many times have we gone through life not being plugged in 🤷🏻‍♀️? Plugged into His Word, I mean. A day not plugged into His Presence can begin like buttoning a blouse only to realize when you've gotten to the top that you have aligned all the buttons incorrectly and have to start over.

Give GOD His rightful place in your life. Make sure each day begins and ends with His Presence being an essential part of everything you do. Because when you stay plugged into Christ and His Word, you are plugged into POWER, POSITION, and PURPOSE. Are you plugged in? ~2014 Narda Goodson

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Daniel and The Den of Lions

I love the story of Daniel. Yes, Daniel in the den of lions. Notice that the text reads "the den of lions" in Daniel 6:16 - "Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions". If it had read "the lion's den", it would have taken on an important meaning - that the den belonged to the lions.

But here is an important truth in this small group of words that have given the enemy so much power. GOD owns everything and nothing belongs to any of us unless given to us by the LORD Himself.

Whatever den your enemies have prepared for you or cast you in, remember, GOD is the owner of the den and He has the final say on what takes place in it. ~2019 Narda Goodson

#1419 #IWillNotBow #DenOfLions #Daniel

Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World! 

Narda Goodson
©2019 Daily Doses of Gospel "PiLLs"
Facebook: @nardagoodson | Twitter: @nardagoodson | Instagram: @nardagoodson | Pinterest: @nardagoodson | LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Narda Goodson Ministries: Narda seeks to direct you to finding your purpose and destiny through faith, hope, and God's Word. Her teachings are said to be powerfully anointed, real, insightful, encouraging, and life giving.

Strength Perfected In Weakness

GOD will use the weakest part of who we are to accomplish missions and assignments we could never complete on our own. In ourselves, we can do nothing, but through Him, we can accomplish all that He's laid out for us to do. Either we believe Him or we don't. LORD, I believe! ~2019 Narda Goodson

Scriptures to Meditate on:
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
9But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me. 10That is why, for the sake of Christ, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

#iCan #Because #HeIs #iBelieve #HaveFaith #MustardSeedFaith

Tilt your heart towards the SON!

Narda Goodson
©2019 Daily Doses of Gospel "PiLLs"

Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
Instagram: @nardagoodson
Pinterest: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Narda Goodson Ministries: Narda seeks to direct you to finding your purpose and destiny through faith, hope, and God's Word. Her teachings are said to be powerfully anointed, real, insightful, encouraging, and life giving.

Painfully But Beautifully Broken

It's a painful thing when GOD #blesses you, then #breaks you like #bread to then serve you to the world like a #buffet. To be used by GOD we must be #broken. ~2019 Narda Goodson

#PainfullyBroken #BreadOfLife #TheFinishedWorkIsGlorious

Scriptures to Meditate on:
Matthew 14:19 - And He instructed the crowds to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, He spoke a blessing. Then He broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people.

Tilt your heart towards the SON!

Narda Goodson
©2019 Daily Doses of Gospel "PiLLs"

Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
Instagram: @nardagoodson
Pinterest: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

Narda Goodson Ministries: Narda seeks to direct you to finding your purpose and destiny through faith, hope, and God's Word. Her teachings are said to be powerfully anointed, real, insightful, encouraging, and life giving.

Killing the Enemy IN-AH-ME

We need to kill the enemy within. Mute those #deathly, #discouraging, #doubting, #despairing sounds. #Discouragement and #depression cannot #dwell, abide, and live in where there is an active atmosphere of the Holy Spirit. With the Presence of the Word of GOD inundating the air, it is impossible!

The head gear given to us in Ephesians 6, which is the Helmet of Salvation, is your #defense when the enemy IN-AH-ME and IN-AH-YOU (said in my JamaRican accent 😂) #desires to #detrack and #derail you off your faith course. Put on the mind of Christ. That is how you #defeat your foe! ~2019 Narda Goodson 

#deliverance #WhatDidGodSay #ThoughLife #MindBondage #SpiritualWarfare #HelmetOfSalvation #TheWordOfGodSetsFree #FreeFromAnyAddiction
#YouDontNeedDrugs #YouNeedAGospelPiLL

Scriptures to Meditate on:
2 Corinthians 10:4-5 - 4The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We tear down arguments, and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Narda Goodson Ministries: Narda seeks to direct you to finding your purpose and destiny through faith, hope, and God's Word. Her teachings are said to be powerfully anointed, real, insightful, encouraging, and life giving.

Tilt your heart towards the SON!

Narda Goodson
©2019 Daily Doses of Gospel "PiLLs"

Influence, Inspire, and Infiltrate Your World!
Facebook: @nardagoodson
Twitter: @nardagoodson
Instagram: @nardagoodson
Pinterest: @nardagoodson
LinkedIn: @nardagoodson

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