Thursday, December 12, 2013

Don't Twist Scripture Lest You Be Like Satan

No one is judging you. It is your sin against GOD that condemns and brings judgment against you. 

Take your argument up with GOD and refuse the temptation to point fingers at men and women of GOD who are sincerely preaching His truth. I am sorry that this makes men uncomfortable, but ministers have a job to do and it is to preach the Word without compromise. This may mean getting our toes occasionally stepped on.

Romans 8:2-4 says that there is NO CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ Jesus - now check this - who walk NOT AFTER the flesh but after the Spirit. So, when we are feeling "condemnation', there is just cause to believe there may be a spiritual breach somewhere in our life. When this happens, we need to:
1) CHECK our life to see if it is aligned with GOD's standard of daily living
2) Allow the Holy Spirit to do his job and accept His CONVICTION as truth
3) Submit ourselves to GOD so that CORRECTION can take place

No one likes a rebuke, yet, it is very needful if we are to grow in the knowledge and grace of our LORD. Before we can receive the direction of GOD, we need His correction.

There is a part that we play that keeps us safe in the will of GOD. It is called OBEDIENCE. When a believer begins to live outside of the parameters of GOD's Word, the Holy Spirit will bring conviction to attack the violation it is encountering.

Sin in a believers life is like a disease in the body. The body's immune system is built to immediately attack the foreign intruder and will fight against it to remove it from the body. It knows that it DOESNT BELONG THERE.

So the next time you are tempted to yell, "Stop judging me!", ask yourself is anyone (((really))) judging me or is it the Holy Spirit bringing conviction?

While the wages of sin bring death, the gift of GOD is eternal life through Jesus Christ our LORD. 

Tilt your heart towards the Son!

Narda Goodson,
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas

Author: Will the REAL ME Please Stand Up!
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