Is your brain tired? Do many thoughts invade your mind and ultimately leave you stressed out?
Every battle begins in the mind. Your mind can be the devil’s playground if you do not stand at guard to resist and reject evil and unwholesome thoughts in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil. 4:7). Many people struggle because they have allowed their thought life to govern their actions.
The Bible addresses the topic of how to cope with the mind. Because we have a thought life, we are admonished in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Our life will change when our thought life changes. While some thoughts originate with us, others come directly from the enemy. Our mind is subject to follow unbalanced and unhealthy thoughts and emotions, which will eventually cause us to make decisions that, will take us off course and out of the will of God.
We must not compromise or desensitize this topic for fear of being considered too spiritual or too deep. Christian warfare involves bringing all our thoughts into direct alignment with the Word and the will of God. The church today is too often tempted to meet the challenges of the world by carnal means and by using worldly weapons, i.e., psychology, philosophy, humanistic wisdom, etc. These cannot serve as a replacement for the fundamental lifestyle of prayer and an uncompromising commitment to the Word of God.
We as believers overcome our adversary by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. We must tirelessly say “NO!” to the devil, temptation, and sin because failure to do so will lead to immorality and spiritual death.
Be resolute and determine to fill your mind with God’s Word. Set a watch to refuse to allow your eyes and ears to be an instrument to any worthless or evil thing. By doing this, you will obtain the mind of Christ, the peace of God, and rest for your soul.
Every battle begins in the mind. Your mind can be the devil’s playground if you do not stand at guard to resist and reject evil and unwholesome thoughts in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil. 4:7). Many people struggle because they have allowed their thought life to govern their actions.
The Bible addresses the topic of how to cope with the mind. Because we have a thought life, we are admonished in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Our life will change when our thought life changes. While some thoughts originate with us, others come directly from the enemy. Our mind is subject to follow unbalanced and unhealthy thoughts and emotions, which will eventually cause us to make decisions that, will take us off course and out of the will of God.
We must not compromise or desensitize this topic for fear of being considered too spiritual or too deep. Christian warfare involves bringing all our thoughts into direct alignment with the Word and the will of God. The church today is too often tempted to meet the challenges of the world by carnal means and by using worldly weapons, i.e., psychology, philosophy, humanistic wisdom, etc. These cannot serve as a replacement for the fundamental lifestyle of prayer and an uncompromising commitment to the Word of God.
We as believers overcome our adversary by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. We must tirelessly say “NO!” to the devil, temptation, and sin because failure to do so will lead to immorality and spiritual death.
Be resolute and determine to fill your mind with God’s Word. Set a watch to refuse to allow your eyes and ears to be an instrument to any worthless or evil thing. By doing this, you will obtain the mind of Christ, the peace of God, and rest for your soul.
Tilt your heart towards the SON!