Tuesday, March 2, 2010

He Who Gossips to You Will Be a Gossip of You

What does the Bible have to say about GOSSIP? Well, let’s first define what gossip means.

Gossip: scandalmonger, tattletale, Nosy Parker, chatter, blather, rumormonger, blabbermouth, bigmouth

There are many people who profess to be Christians. Yet, professing ones fidelity and love to Christ is more than mere words. It should be seen through the light of Christ within us on a daily basis. Don’t be fooled, it doesn’t take an Einstein to figure some things out. People will know us by the fruit hanging on our tree.

Scriptures tell us what is improper for God’s holy people. It admonishes us to keep away from all moral filth and evil. How many people have you heard say “Uh-huh, amen, and preach pastor”, yet, forget all that was taught in the lesson immediately as they walked out the church doors. James 1:22 says that we should not be hearers of the Word only but DOERS.

We live in a world where a corrupt society seeks to influence and defile our godly character and integrity. But a lack of vigilance and wisdom can lead you into the pitfalls of indiscretion and impudence, and before you know it, you are swept away and caught up in the dirt.

Proverbs 20:19 reads “He that goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets; therefore meddle not,” in other words, do not interfere, snoop, and gossip, “with him that flatters with his lips”. There is a reason why we should refrain from gossip.

1. Gossip separates and hurts friends (Proverbs 16:38)
2. Gossip causes damage by betraying confidence (Prov. 11:12-13)
3. Gossips are usually half-truths and distorted information

Those who behave in this manner do nothing but stir up trouble and cause dissention and division. That is why the Bible tells us to RUN (emphasis mine) or keep away from people who behave this way. A negative spirit is like poison ivy, it spreads quickly.

Let’s define the word deed: something done, an intentional act; actions. James 1:25 tells us that if we hear and do what is right that our deeds would be blessed. Have you ever wondered why your “deeds” were not successful or prosperous? Is the deed matching up with laying aside all moral filthiness and evil? Or are you operating in a deceitful spirit?

These are personal questions that should cause each of us to take a look inside and allow the light of the Holy Spirit to reveal what is really hidden in our hearts. When the unveiling begins, repent and then allow the grace of God’s forgiveness and faithfulness to cleanse and change you.

Let us be transformed by the renewing of our minds. If we put on the mind of Christ daily, our life will be transformed, our deeds will be blessed, and we will be a blessing to others.

Tilt your hearts toward the Son!

Narda Goodson
First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Influence, Inspire, & Infiltrate! 

Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries
Women's Network: Predestined by God
Facebook: @nardagoodson
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